Do not adjust your set.Back in the days of yore, you signed up for my list. You’re awesome. You’ve probably not heard from me in a while because my mail provider had a localized apocalypse. We’re starting again here, you and I. I understand if this instills an urge to [unsubscribe]. If that’s your frame of mind, you do you. If not, let’s chat about what’s going on. Today, we have: - Some wallpapers for your phone or desktop;
- A Discord community for readers;
- An ancient story I dredged from the archives so we can both laugh/cry together;
- What I’m reading; and
- A cover reveal.
Rock on.
Eye Candy
Some new wallpapers are up on the site! If you want new shinies for your desktop/laptop or phone/tablet, [check ’em out].
Chatting quietly from the comfort of our own homes.I’ve set up a Discord for readers of sci-fi and fantasy. If you like being social but not actually with people in the same room, have I got a deal for you. You can [get in here] and talk about what you’ve been reading.
LitRPG Before It Was CoolCleaning out a closet recently, I found this short LitRPG story. Back when I wrote it I didn’t know about LitRPG; I was a huge geek and wanted to tell a story from the perspective of RPG characters. Because I was 15 a) it’s pretty dire and b) there’s no romance. Sorry. I’m not sure it’s weathered well, but you be the judge. [Read it here]. 
What am I reading?I’m dual-weilding at the moment in between bouts of editing. - Arsenal is a cool story about a young woman with an Iron Man suit. She’s a brilliant scientist and has the machinery to help the world. It’s a full metal superhero story that reminds me a lot of Clines’ Ex-Heroes or Grossman’s Soon I Will Be Invincible.
- We Have No Idea is for my inner nerd. It’s fun and insightful – an easy read if you want to know a bit more about the universe. I think I prefer Astrophysics for People in a Hurry, but WHNI is more accessible and covers a wider/deeper spread of stuff.
And now: the cover you’ve been waiting for!I’ve been toiling in the mines of Triton on a new story. It features Mike Takahashi, a sometime-hero of Upgrade. Here’s the cover – let me know what you think 🧐. I’m experimenting with a not-just-Amazon release for this one, which feels risky but a lot of poeple ask me to put the stories on Kobo or iTunes, so… wish me luck. 
Until next time, keep being awesome. R |