I survived my vacation 🎉

Here’s one of my world-famous emails, originally sent June 12, year of our Lord 2019. Get on the list here! The Hawkes Bay had exactly zero zombies. This left me a little disappointed. I mean, you go to a place known for its wine, and you kinda expect a few of the walking dead, but nope: all very civilized. This week: How’d the vacation go? A new release! and An excerpt of said release. If you hate holiday photos, you might want to brace yourself. Let’s dig in. STATUS: VACATION ACCOMPLISHED We stayed in Havelock North, part of NZ’s wine region Bermuda Triangle (the other contributors being Hastins and Napier). Rae and I had a fantastic time – despite it being the depths of winter, we managed to eat and drink our way to heart-disease levels of satisfaction. Here’s a Read More …

The Red Queen 👸🏻

This is one of my world famous emails, originally sent July 1, 2019. Get on the list here! It’s time for a vacation. While you’re reading this, I’m either in the beautiful Hawkes Bay region of New Zealand onna break, or dead (I know which I’m hoping for!). The beauty of technology means I prepared this before I left, so I’m kinda talking to future you, from the past. Maybe. Sooo, while I’m visiting vinyards I thought it’d be a good opportunity to re-introduce one of the terrors of my life: The Red Queen. This week: Finding a good book without being tricked; Bloody murder (…of manuscripts); and Your Tyche’s Crusade excerpt. I’m about half-way through Godsgrave, and digging it. This week’s email’s brought to you by an old classic – The Chain, by Fleetwood Mac. Yes, I know I’m Read More …

Our final interview … did I save the best for last? 🥂

This is one of my world-famous emails, originally sent June 25, 2019. You can get on the list here. I’m wrestling with The Sickness™️ but… …I’ll get over it. It doesn’t feel like a Patient Zero kind of thing. This week: A quick note on specials (free ‘n’ cheap stuffs); Your final interview; and An excerpt from Tyche’s Crusade. Excuse me if I look pale and sickly while we do this. Despite how my frail flesh feels, I’m emotionally stoked – Chromed: Upgrade’s hit #1 on Amazon in cyberpunk, science fiction adventure, distopia, and superhero fantasy. It is free right now, so why not check it out? On top of that, I’m about to finish my contract and head off on vacation with Rae – we’re heading to the Hawkes Bay, a beautiful slice of New Zealand full of really Read More …

Dystopian Stories Don’t Have to Suck 🧟‍♀️

One of my world-famous emails, originally sent Saturday 15 June. Get on the list here! Man, there’s a lot going on. And that’s just in my part of the world. This week, there are so many funsies. Before we hit the main events, you may have noticed a new header graphic ⬆️ up there. Let me know what you think of it, because I almost went blind putting it together. Where was I? A new release! An interview; An outstanding promo; Your excerpt, aaaand A free novel, no strings attached. I am breathless with all the awesome. Let’s do it. Tyche’s Lost is Out! Yeah, I almost don’t believe it myself. This is Chad and Saveria’s story – two people who’ve both died before, about to die again. It would suck to be one of my characters. I started this Read More …

More stars for … star power? 🤔

Another one of my world famous emails! I bet you can’t wait. Get on the list here. This week, it’s not about me – much Last week, we met a mad scientist. This week: We’re interviewing … well, we’ll get to that. I forgot to give you your excerpt for Tyche’s Lost last week, so you get a really big one this week to make up for it. (If you missed the first excerpt, you can find it here). Richard’s quick update: Reading: I’m working my way through a bunch o’ new books. The latest is Kristoff’s Nevernight, and it’s one of the best things I’ve read in … well, since Red Sister. I’ll crank out a review for it soon enough, but if you want a dark fantasy, kinda like Harry Potter except this version of Hogwarts is a Read More …

The Rain of Stars … BEGINS 🌧+⭐️=🤩

This is one of my world-famous emails, originally sent Saturday, 1 June 2019. Get on the list here! This week, it’s not about me True story. For the month of June, I’m bringing you a selection of five-star space operas for the bargain of … zero Earth dollars. Enter: the five-star space opera bundle. Before that, a quick update from yours truly. I’ve been working for a very cool organization. It’s been quite exceptional, not least of which because they do stuff like this (click the first one). Writing on Boundless continues to be good, clean fun: today I had Geneve slice a man in half, but from the groin up. Should that stay in the final cut? To be fair, I usually lop off arms, so this is a big departure for me. I teamed up with four other Read More …

The Terror of New Things 😨

This is one of my world-famous emails, sent Friday 24 May 2019. Get on the list here. Being asked to do something different can be terrifying. There’s a thing happening in AuthorLand™ – readers want new things and authors do not know WTF to do. I, because I have very little sense, pride, or self-preservation instinct, am trying new things anyway. This week: How’s Boundless going? Terror, and A sample. Let’s dig in. Your Boundless update. Boundless is kicking ass and taking names. I’m about 11,000 words into the manuscript so far (even ignoring the ~3,000 I ditched as a result of my Meriwether experiment [that link will take you to a before-and-after shot of two versions of Boundless’s co-hero, Meriwether]). I’m having a lot of fun with it. I’ve spent more time worldbuilding this one than anything I’ve written Read More …

A cover reveal, wallpapers, and … CAN THIS BE A RELEASE?! 🎉

One of my world-famous emails, originally sent Saturday, 18 May 2019. Get on the list here! Tyche Everywhere We’re pausing our Boundless talk to return to the Ezeroc Wars universe for a spell. Back in the mists of time, I wrote y’all a for-fans novel. So very, very many of you emailed me saying a) you liked it and b) where the hell’s the next book? Your wait is at an end. This week: What’s been going on in the Empire; Tyche Forever and its new cover (spoilers: it’s amazing, I love it); A little about the next two; and My cover artist’s last gift for you. Let’s dig in. The Empire …by which I mean, my life. It’s been a good couple months this end. I’ve finished up a contract with an excellent bunch of people at New Zealand’s Read More …

Calterburry Keep 🏰 and a Cover Reveal (kinda)

This is one of my world-famous emails, originally sent Friday, 3 May 2019. Get on the list here! Calterburry Keep This week, we’re talking about manufacturing a medieval keep out of thin air. I like to call this professional lying: May’s deals; A Old-Is-New Cover! and Building Calterburry, without any practical skills. Let’s lift that virtual hammer. Night’s End I’ve had Night’s Favor on sale before (it’s my earliest release), and the sequel Night’s Fall too, but probably close-enough-to-never* the series finale, Night’s End. Now you can see how a mismatched, gritty team (including a cop, a reprobate, a soldier, a sorceress, two werewolves, and a non-sparkly vampire) can save the world from Judgment. Your deals for May are FIS Favor and the finale, End, all bookstores, all over planet Earth: [0.99] (or adjusted currency) [0.99] (or adjusted currency) * Read More …

Building People 🤺

One of my world-famous emails, originally sent Wednesday, 24 April. Get on the list here! It all started with Crossfit. Last time, I talked about new story worlds. Y’all gave me a lot of thoughts on what to cover next, and the two most popular were, “Yeah, more on Calterburry,” and, “Let’s talk about the people.” We’re going people first, notably the main hero of Boundless. This week: A reminder! Chromed: everywhere, and Building realistic heroes: the science behind women who are warriors. Let’s get in there, yeah? April’s Sale ends… at the end of April. You might remember the first two Tyche books are on sale for a buck apiece, or adjusted Earth currency, on Amazon, Kobo, iBooks, and Nook. If you want to get into Firefly-meets-Aliens, you know what to do: [0.99] [0.99] While we’re here, May brings Read More …