Chromed: Meltdown is Out!

I’m quite excited about this one! Mike is a sometime hero of Upgrade, but doesn’t get quite enough screen time for my liking. He’s fun to write, having more than his share of sass, and his handler Sam-don’t-fucking-call-me-Samantha has a little vinegar to share too. ARCs have given me good feedback on this one – mostly along the lines of, “Don’t you dare kill Mike Takahashi!”

His future looks bright. Ish.

Metatech enforcer Mike Takahashi’s vacation is off to a bad start.

When Mike wakes on a slab, a bone saw a handspan from his arm, it’s all the confirmation he needs that someone is harvesting Metatech operatives for spare parts. Naked and weaponless isn’t the best way to start a break-out of a top-secret research facility, but Mike feels he has the right incentives to get the job done.

Cut off from company support and hopelessly outgunned, Mike needs to escape. His ‘adventure holiday’ turns terrifying as Amsterdam’s nuclear reactor shakes the city. If it explodes and triggers an earthquake, millions will perish.

Mike must flee Amsterdam or die.

Chromed: Meltdown is a gripping cyberpunk adventure. If you love great dialogue and heart-pumping action, get your copy of this page-turning techno-thriller today!

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