You Know It’s Monday When…

…you hit yourself in the face with an Olympic bar doing shoulder presses.

This week will have a … slightly reduced writing cadence.  I’m doing a bit of a work-related rodeo, a few speaking gigs, presentations, and other things.  It’s good timing, truth be told: as I’m doing the “big finale” in Night’s Fall, this gives me a good slice of time to re-order (or re-confirm) my thoughts and take a good sprint to the finish.

On other news, I’ve been called a cunt in the nicest possible way.  Yeah, I try.  Or am trying, one of the two.

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2 Replies to “You Know It’s Monday When…”

  1. That blog post definitely says you’re a ‘good-cunt’ or the ‘bestest-cunt’.
    Perhaps you should be crowned King-Cunt. …just a thought. No?

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