Tyche Origins Launched Today

Word. The Tyche Origins collection launched today. About seventy million of you mentioned you prefer novel-sized works to the previous published lengths of the individual stories, so here’s your chance to get all five. Side note: this is where I learned what a pentalogy was. An empire falls. Before there was a Tyche, the crew were scattered. Nate wore the Emperor’s Black. El Helmed mighty destroyers. Hope joined the new Republic’s reclamation projects. Kohl fell in with the Yakuza. And Grace was a prisoner. Grab their origin stories as they become the heroes the universe needed them to be. This collects all five Tyche Origin stories: Tyche’s First Tyche’s Chosen Tyche’s Hope Tyche’s Fury Tyche’s Grace If you love stories full of non-stop action and great dialogue, get your copy today!

Tyche’s Grace

The final Tyche Origins story was the hardest to write. Let’s be honest, Grace hasn’t had a good run at life, has she? Despite that, she’s Grace. It’d be hard to keep her anywhere she doesn’t have a mind to be. Check it out — it’s on the store today! Grace Gushiken is a prisoner at fourteen. Grace is confined on her father Kazuo’s grounds. She, like him, is an esper: a reader of minds. Kazuo has arranged extensive training for her. Stealth. Infiltration. And combat. When a simple trip to the ancient city of Ise brings disaster, Grace tries to run. Her stunted esper abilities betray her. Kazuo turns Grace’s friends against her. No one can stand against the power of his will. When her father is called away to meet the Emperor, Grace has one shot at freedom. She must Read More …

The Power of Names

Ever since I read Le Guin’s amazing A Wizard of Earthsea, I’ve been captivated by the idea of names having a kind of power. (Side note: if you haven’t read the Earthsea books, you’re missing out. I don’t use ‘amazing’ lightly; this is a series I re-read often. The writing is brilliant, the characters captivating, the stories both beautiful and poignant). Hobb has her own take on this with her Liveship books (also excellent). Same but different, you know? Worth your time (and I needed to look up ‘Fitz’ when I started on these books). Me, I’m pretty much a hack compared to those two. But I still want the names of my characters to have meaning. In my Tyche books, I named the crew with a purpose. Some of the characters were renamed from their originals (did you know, Hope used Read More …

Tyche Origins

Contrary to popular belief, I haven’t been spending my last few weeks surfing the web or playing video games. Tyche Origins is coming soon! This five-novella series are tiny vignettes into the backgrounds of the Tyche’s crew. How they came to the ship. How they left their homes. The stories are easy to read in a sitting, and are 15,000+ words of action and dialogue* each. The stories will be out soon. Until then, enjoy the covers. * NSFW