WTAF, Another One?

You got it. Pew! Pew! – A Fistful of Pews is out. You might remember my story Consensus appeared in Pew! Pew! 4. And you know what? Those suckers wanted me back for number 5.

My story in PP5 is The Chadd, about Chad Foradel and Saveria Complex. You might remember Chad from Tyche’s Deceit (and Tyche’s Crown), a minor support act who is rescued from [SPOILERS] and ends up heading up the [SPOILERS]. Well, The Chadd takes place after Tyche’s Crown (and before the upcoming Tyche’s Demons…). Chad’s on a mission, and on that mission he meets the young pirate, Saveria Complex.

Both Chad and Saveria return in Tyche’s Demons. If you want to find out how they met? Here’s your answer.

A scream for help across the hard black, then silence.

That was the start of Chad Forradel’s bad day. One minute he was checking out a planet of bug corpses, next minute he’s catching a ride on an old heavy lifter, bound for a system infested with pirates.

When Chad reaches New Haven, he finds the space terraforming platform all but destroyed, all hands lost. The insect-like Ezeroc have returned, and this time they have subverted a Navy corvette. One guy — charming, handsome, and good with a blade, but still just one guy — against a whole warship is hard enough. But the Ezeroc are after an esper hidden on the pirate ship, a human newly awakened to their mental powers. If the Ezeroc get their hands on the esper, they will make a monster capable of toppling the Empire.

So. Get in. Kill the pirates. Kill the space insects. Save the baby esper. If Chad can’t, everyone everywhere will die, horribly. If he does, he’ll probably have to babysit some kid for the rest of his life.

What could go wrong?


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