There Is True Evil In The World


Pain by lindagr.

Since my post day before yesterday, people have been emailing me asking if I’ll be returning to work early.  You.  Yes, you.  You know who you are.

So – no.  I’m going to keep writing; this week’s off, setting my head in order.  Next week I might start on a palette cleanser or my full on next book.  We’ll see.

I love you all, really.  See you next week.

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2 Replies to “There Is True Evil In The World”

  1. I’d be more concerned about you going back to work at all to be honest :). And congrats on the book and all, just found this page today and power read myself up to speed. If you haven’t seen it already I’d recommend this book full of clever and interesting stuff about writing and self-publishing.

  2. Ah! Guy Kawasaki, I follow him on G+, seems like a smart dude. I will grab it 🙂

    Will also drop you an email! It has been a long, long time. More on an alternative channel 🙂

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