Quick & Dirty

I’m not proud of it, but it’s there.

Behold!  You are now looking at my new author site.  This is where you can find out all about me, and hopefully, not wail in the darkness anymore about comments not working.  Blogger can, as they say, kiss my ass.

It’s been a less-than-useful day from a writing perspective, as setting up stuff like this for the first time (would you believe: I’m a WordPress virgin?) is fraught with peril.  Still, it’s done, and now all my linkage is in the one place.

Yay!  Writing tomorrow – see you then.

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11 Replies to “Quick & Dirty”

    1. I’ve had to murder the anti-spam stuff because it marked all your posts as spam. I’m like, “Wait, what?” It also unwholesomely breaks Jetpack comments, which I think are vital to letting people use existing accounts. Still – comments, yay! 🙂

  1. Yay comments! Yay WordPress (conversely to your virginity, I’m a WP slut o.O

    Most of my client sites are on WP if I can drag them to it. (Legacy sites be damned).

    1. I’m tremendously impressed with it so far – it’s very flexible, seems easy enough to use (despite the complexity and features) and has a very clean (and configurable) look and feel.

      The only thing I’m really having drama with is anti-spam in comments right now. Akismet, which seems to be the gold standard (…and also works with Jetpack comments, which we like) wants to charge me money per month (…probably more than I make on selling books, truth be told :D). At the moment I’m just using a system where first time posters get moderated and then after that you can go for gold.

      1. Yes to Akismet, but I don’t bother with the Jetpack comments – they charge? wow. Just use the usual comments function for the posts, sort the Discussion settings in the, er, Settings area (Hold a comment in the queue if it contains 1 link etc) and a couple of sites I use captcha plugins.

        I use other aspects of Jetpack though. Proofing, Editing CSS etc

        Plugins will solve most issues. With some hunting, there’s usually a plugin for every occasion 😉 Having said that, you don’t have to have that many.

        1. Disco. I currently have hold-on-2-links set, but I might drop it to one. We’ll see how it goes, I want to get the right balance between “pain in the ass” and “usable for humans because I like having ’em around here.”

          1. The cpanel is a bit bland – I’m hosting it through 1stdomains. Their control set is pretty rudimentary, with a few toggles about the host itself but not much on content. I get the feeling the magic happens on the inside.

        1. I already feel desperately guilty for having taken up so much of The ‘arriss’s time, you know? Maybe over dinner I will peel more out of you, it’ll hurt less with the alcohol.

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