Good Retail Experiences

Sometimes you get impressed by people who do their jobs with flare and style.

Meet Brent*.  He had this to say over the break:

* This is not a story about Brent being amazing.  Sorry.

I was in the mood for some new workout gear, so saddled up the horse and wandered into said Nike.  They were amazing.  Stress free, helpful advice, nothing was a problem, everything available in my size (often a trick, because Medium is right in the middle of the bell curve of standard distribution — I tend to find only size skeleton or bison are left locally).  I got my workout gear, a new hoodie, and a smile.

The outlaws decided to gift us with a sum of money as our Christmas present, and with that we decided to buy a new Weber (more on this in a future post, possibly).  We cruised into Wellington BBQs and Fire, which is a fantastic name for a store, I mean fire is right there in the name, and … had all our questions answered.  Guy was super helpful, knew his product, didn’t over-accessorise us, taught us some tricks, and they even made all the packing material fuck off to a happier place.

The take-home is:

  1. If you want a new BBQ, go to Wellington BBQs and Fire.
  2. If you want to run off the excess created by a new BBQ, go to Nike on Lambton Quay and get some excellent workout gear.

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