I’d Buy That For A Dollar: Chromed: Upgrade and Chromed: Rogue

I interrupt your regularly scheduled programme to let you know Chromed: Upgrade and Chromed: Rogue are enjoying a Kindle Countdown Deal. US/UK citizens can enjoy the supremacy their nations’ commercial power provides: Chromed: Upgrade’s free, and the sequel Chromed: Rogue is a mere Earth dollar (or adjusted currency). Why am I doing this? Because the finale, Chromed: Restore, is out today. [Treat yourself to the series], or grab ’em a la carte below: [FREE] [0.99] New release! [4.99] EDIT: Holy shitballs. Thank you so very much for your support!

Chromed: Restore Is Out!

This is the one so many of you’ve been waiting for. It’s the conclusion to Mason, Sadie, and Carter’s story. I hope you love it! It’s 21050AD. Uplinks turn us into slaves. Mason Floyd is lost on a dying world, bionics failing as he wages war against the ruling elite. He’s left off-grid rockstar Sadie Freeman on Earth with a hopeless quest: resurrect the dead. New megacorp HumanE forces outright war. They have the means to control humans through the link, creating a limitless army of warriors. To free humanity, Mason discards the corporate protection he’s always known, leaving him vulnerable. Sadie embraces corporate chains, going against all she stands for. As the streets of Seattle erupt into conflict, Mason and Sadie face their greatest challenge. They must save us from ourselves. Megacorps. Cyborgs. AI. Gene-spliced monsters. Syndicate enforcers. Off-grid Read More …