The implosion of my mind 💥

One of my world-famous emails, originally sent Saturday, 30 March 2019. You can get on the list here. It was bound to happen eventually. Kathy sent me an email recently, which is the genises of this PSA. This week: My brain! The Empire’s Rogues. Let’s start with the thoughts-and-prayers segment. I know the emoji in the subject is an explosion… …not an implosion. Turns out, there’s not a decent emoji for that, and I prefer the idea of imploding, so here we are: me vs. the Unicode Consortium. Let’s move on, and talk about Kathy’s email. In it, she said (note to others: this is how you tell authors they’re stupid, all while doing it politely): “Grace’s timeline no longer makes sense to me.” I’ll admit to a small feeling of dread on reading this. As I noted in a Read More …

Dragon’s Bargain Is Out!

ICYMI, Dragon’s Bargain is out, and you can get it for 0.99 (US/UK) for a limited time. Actually, quite limited because I forgot to mention this until today, and the special window is collapsing like a badly-made wormhole. This is the best way to get more Grace Gushiken in your life. [GET DRAGON’S BARGAIN]

Rewriting The Fall of Reason

I sometimes re-write chunks of work, because it sucks. Most of the time I do this once the first draft is finished, but on starting the finale in the Tyche’s Fallen trilogy (Tyche’s Crusade), I figured it was not what it needed to be. Because I like self-flagellation, I present you with both takes on The Fall of Reason. Neither of these are edited. This is horrible, horrible first-draft stuff (so bad, I threw one version out). But no writing is wasted! You get to join in the suffering with me. The Hard Fail Version “Ash is a nice shade of gray.” Nate pressed his face to the air car’s window, staring down at the streets of San Francisco as they scudded by. The city was still on life support. While buildings no longer burned, shipping new ash into the Read More …

Reversing Awkward 😕 to Groovy 😎

This is one of my world-famous emails, originally sent Sunday, 24 February, 2019. You can get on the list here. It’s New Release Time Remember that time at bandcamp when I asked you* to not buy my books? This is not one of those emails. This week: The Empire’s Rogues, with a launch special; A couple book reviews you may have missed; and Some interviews. * ICYMI: here. The Empire’s Rogues They’re out! Well, some of them, anyway. This is my foray into writing YA fiction, which naturally I know everything about having been a YA in my earlier laps around Sol. The first three stories are live, and … I’m actually nervous. It took a while to build the thin veneer of confidence I show around space opera and cyberpunk. How will the masses take my young Nate & Read More …

Bookshine and Readbows Reviews The Empire’s Rogues

If you want to check out what they thought, hit the magic linky: [The Empire’s Rogues @ Bookshine and Readbows] “Parry effortlessly blends futuristic tech with more traditional pirates and thieves in a way that is both new and familiar, and (in Nate’s stories) can bring a smile. Grace’s path is a more emotional one, as she struggles to maintain a professional detachment against her clear longing for personal contact and companionship; balancing her assassin skills against her empath gift.” You can check out The Empire’s Rogues Volume 1, or start on the first story, Ganymede Steel.

Another Sample: Tyche’s Lost

I’m pushing 45,000 words on Tyche’s Lost. It’s shaping up! To see how we’re getting along, I thought I’d introduce you to Forrest Blake. He’s a … survivor on Viukde Gamma, raised in a cultish society. It should come as no surprise the Ezeroc are behind it, which makes it a rough ride for our heroes, Chad and Saveria. Usual caveats. First draft. No grammar checking. Confusion reigns! I hope you dig it anyway. Inside the Altar, Forrest found undergrowth making its home. The space was blessedly free of vermin, but that was expected of a holy site. Gods wouldn’t allow their temple to be desecrated. He didn’t know which way to go. The air felt cool, the night following on his heels. Ahead, Gravedigger awaited. She was planning to kill his gods. He wound through the starship, finding a Read More …

A Sample of Tyche’s Lost

I started the latest Tyche story today. If you want a totally unedited, rough-enough-to-sand-with sample, here you go. Saveria woke to the gentle hum of the escape pod. Light dappled the interior of the cabin. She lay on her acceleration couch, facing up. Her view of the outside world was limited to the aperture provided by the pod’s eight top windows. Half were behind her, but the other half showed green leaves, dappled with starlight. It’s called daylight. Her fingers found the clasps holding her in place. She freed them with a snap and clatter of fabric and metal. Her arm knocked against the acceleration couch beside her. Laying on the couch was a man. Lean, fit-looking, but he wasn’t familiar to her. Should she know him? They must have spoken to each other before getting in the escape pod. Read More …