Geneve stood atop the keep’s battlements, watching Wincuf walk away. The thug limped. Lucent Eleni claimed his injuries were past her skill with Sway, but she’d re-attached the Novice’s arm in times past.
Cleric Eleni wasn’t telling the whole truth.
They’d turned him out with silver regals in his pocket, a good Tresward Smithsteel sword, and a total lack of their blessing. The young man cursed them all, and Geneve in particular. She didn’t take it personally because she’d won.
Footsteps turned her from the view and her reflection. Tilly walked toward her, armor gleaming in the sun. “Novice.”
“Hello.” Geneve returned to the wondrous sight of a retreating Wincuf. “That’s that, then.”
“What’s what?” Vertiline placed her hands on the old stone, leaning forward, shoulders hunched.
“No more Wincuf.”
The Chevalier laughed. “There will be plenty more Wincuf. He’s not dead. And now, he hates you more than ever.”
Geneve rubbed her fingers along the stone, feeling its ancient grit. “They could have just expelled him when he attacked me. Gods, it seems so long ago.”
“It’s not the Justiciar’s way.”
“Then their way doesn’t seem fair.”
Vertiline held her peace for a time, wind tousling a stray pale wisp of hair that escaped her braid. “It’s the fairest thing in the world.”
Geneve frowned. “I don’t understand.”
“I’m not good at this like Israel.” Vertiline hunched further. “There are a lot of bad people out there. We fight them every day.”
“So, if Knights handle dissent between Novices, what lesson does that teach? That someone will come to their aid.” Vertiline brushed the rogue strand back into place. “There is no help out there.”
“That’s dumb,” Geneve said. “Wincuf hurt four Novices.”
“He hurt more than that.” Tilly shifted from foot to foot. “I’m not arguing. I’m not even sure…” She trailed off.
“Sure about what?”
“It doesn’t matter. Let’s go get something to eat.” Vertiline led the way. Geneve tried for another last glance at Wincuf’s retreat, but the young man was lost from view. She hoped he’d leave her alone now. At least he couldn’t enter Tresward bastions. She’d be safe here, for a long time to come.
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