Blade of Glass: Chapter 60
The queen gave them more than a day. She put them up in her keep. People had made a fuss about Armitage until Geneve stared them down. She didn’t know what to say, so settled for glaring. Rumors spread about the Adept who’d cut down a Champion, so the glare was enough. Armitage said he thought it funny but didn’t laugh. He watched Sight of Day a lot and spent time with the Feybrind when he thought no one was looking. Geneve needed answers. She left the castle alone, on foot. No one had seen Tristan, and she feared him dead, especially after Beck and Fidget were brought to the castle stables. Her weary feet led her through Ravenswall. Geneve wore no armor. She couldn’t stand the golden sun’s weight today. She carried a black sash with five gold bars. Read More …