Where I Am: 2016 Edition

I thought it would be useful to let you know where I hang out online.

(I stole this idea from Larry, who is more of a media superstar than I can ever be).

  • RSS: This site spits out RSS for the newsreader of your choice.  Here it is.
  • Mailing List: behold.  New signups get a free ebook copy of Night’s Favour.
  • Facebook: I’ll post here from time to time, because I get that a lot of people CBF with blogs ‘n’ shit.
  • Twitter: I spend a lot of time lurking on here.  140 characters is about the most of any one human I can take, so it’s perfect.  @ParryForte is my ‘hood.
  • Instagram: I, when I’m struggling with my social media compass, will post pictures on my Instagram.
  • Pinterest: very rarely, like when all planets align, I chuck weird stuff on my Pinterest.
  • My stuff: There’s an author page or two.  Warning: these are stores.

Go forth, Internet stalker, and be free.


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