Meet … Melanie Harding-Shaw
Melanie Harding-Shaw is a speculative fiction writer, policy geek, and mother-of-three from Wellington, New Zealand. Her short fiction has been published all over the place, including at Daily Science Fiction, The Arcanist, and newsroom. Her slightly longer fiction is available as a series of novelettes on Amazon and Book Depository. [ Would She Be Gone | Web | Twitter | FB ] Q: You’re a living, breathing Worldcon bible at the moment. You’ve managed to wrangle an exceptional scholarship programme. How’d you manage this? How can people get involved and/or apply? A: Lol. I’m not religious, but I love the idea of being a living, breathing book! The great thing about Worldcon is you don’t have to take my proselytising on faith. It’s the 78th time the convention has been held and you can already see a bunch of exciting Read More …