Did you download Tyche Forever? 📚

This is one of my world-famous emails, originally sent Friday, 25 January 2019. Get on the list here. It will mean the download links will work, unlike in this post where they’ve been excised, because treats like Tyche Forever are for my internet homies on said list. Two shinies for you. We’re almost at the end of January, which means we can stop talking about Christmas like it’s a race-memory of the apocalypse. We survived, people. We’re good. This week: Comparison of covers, old vs. stylish; A new wallpaper for you; and Your final reminder about Tyche Forever*. * The download code turns into a pumpkin next week. Let’s rock. More of my mistakes Back in November I showed you the cover evolution for my Night’s Champion books. I thought it’d be fun to do the same with Chromed: Upgrade. Read More …

A Young Nate & Grace

I’m editing The Empire’s Rogues at the moment; I don’t think I’ve shared Rebekah’s sketches for Nate (sixteen) and Grace (fifteen). These will go at the front of the books, but they’re not out until February, so… please to enjoy. While we’re here, I enjoyed some of Tiffany’s editing commentary … lemme share a few choice snippets.