It’s Time to Talk About that Pile of Shame

Without wanting to be a Debbie Downer on your recent-and-hopefully-delightful vacation, many of you are facing a cost of living crisis. I had a reader email me and say (I paraphrase), “I’m not going to start reading your Tyche series because it’s just so many books and I can’t afford that.” Ignoring the inherent logical pitfall here (where, if you’re going to pay for something, there’s no pro or con to standalone vs. series – i.e., the price is the same for either a) a trilogy or b) three standalones), it does shine a light on where people are at emotionally. People are feeling fairly fucked by the economy. There may be a way to survive 2024 with more of your dollars intact, though. Ownership can create an emotional attachment and increase the perceived value of something (the endowment effect). Read More …

Your Ears Just Got Lucky: Win Tyche’s Flight!

You got that right – you can snare a copy of Tyche’s Flight in freshly minted audio. I’ve teamed up with Saffron Bryant and Mary O’Paddock to bring you an audiobook giveaway bundle. For a bit o’ variation, the copies of Tyche’s Flight and The Waters will be delivered via, and Speak will come at you from Audible. That’s just how it’s gonna be. (ICYMI, you might dig on my review of Speak). Win Audiobooks

We interrupt your vigorous holidaying for this important announcement 🔈

Tyche’s Flight is now out in audio! It’s been Big Huge Fun™️ putting this together, not least of which because I got to work with the supremely talented Tim Paige. I’ve pulled together a massive two-hour audio sample for your listening pleasure. You can put on your cans and drown out the cries of over-sugared children during this festive time: [] I love everything about this. If you want to hear Nate and Grace kick Ezeroc ass from Absalom Delta, now’s your chance. The complete book is almost ten hours of murderous insects, self-serving Republic military, and a starship running a little low on luck. You can fatten up your audiobook library just about anywhere: [Audible] [Apple Books Audio] [Kobo Audio] [Google Audio] [Nook Audio] [Scribd Audio] [Beek Audio] [eStories Audio]

I survived my vacation 🎉

Here’s one of my world-famous emails, originally sent June 12, year of our Lord 2019. Get on the list here! The Hawkes Bay had exactly zero zombies. This left me a little disappointed. I mean, you go to a place known for its wine, and you kinda expect a few of the walking dead, but nope: all very civilized. This week: How’d the vacation go? A new release! and An excerpt of said release. If you hate holiday photos, you might want to brace yourself. Let’s dig in. STATUS: VACATION ACCOMPLISHED We stayed in Havelock North, part of NZ’s wine region Bermuda Triangle (the other contributors being Hastins and Napier). Rae and I had a fantastic time – despite it being the depths of winter, we managed to eat and drink our way to heart-disease levels of satisfaction. Here’s a Read More …

The Order of Things ① ② ③…

Ricky emailed me a few days back, mentioning that he’d accidentally picked up a couple of my books he’d already read. How’s this happen? By virtue of me scuppering old editions and putting up new ones. If you want to know which books were previously released and what changed, I’ve prepared this handy chart: Current Release Previously Known As What Changed? Night’s Favor Night’s Favour & Night’s Favor Language change from UK to US English. The story’s unchanged. Somewhere in there it also got a new cover. Night’s Fall  Night’s Fall Language change from UK to US English. Like Night’s Favor, Night’s Fall’s story remains intact, with language updates for the US market.Somewhere in here, it got a cover change, but TBH I can’t remember exactly when all that happened. Sorry about that. Chromed: Upgrade & Chromed: Rogue Upgrade Language Read More …

More stars for … star power? 🤔

Another one of my world famous emails! I bet you can’t wait. Get on the list here. This week, it’s not about me – much Last week, we met a mad scientist. This week: We’re interviewing … well, we’ll get to that. I forgot to give you your excerpt for Tyche’s Lost last week, so you get a really big one this week to make up for it. (If you missed the first excerpt, you can find it here). Richard’s quick update: Reading: I’m working my way through a bunch o’ new books. The latest is Kristoff’s Nevernight, and it’s one of the best things I’ve read in … well, since Red Sister. I’ll crank out a review for it soon enough, but if you want a dark fantasy, kinda like Harry Potter except this version of Hogwarts is a Read More …

A cover reveal, wallpapers, and … CAN THIS BE A RELEASE?! 🎉

One of my world-famous emails, originally sent Saturday, 18 May 2019. Get on the list here! Tyche Everywhere We’re pausing our Boundless talk to return to the Ezeroc Wars universe for a spell. Back in the mists of time, I wrote y’all a for-fans novel. So very, very many of you emailed me saying a) you liked it and b) where the hell’s the next book? Your wait is at an end. This week: What’s been going on in the Empire; Tyche Forever and its new cover (spoilers: it’s amazing, I love it); A little about the next two; and My cover artist’s last gift for you. Let’s dig in. The Empire …by which I mean, my life. It’s been a good couple months this end. I’ve finished up a contract with an excellent bunch of people at New Zealand’s Read More …