Behind every favorite song is an untold story

This is an archive copy of one of my world-famous email campaigns, sent 17 May 2017. Click to view the PDF, because the copy-paste below leaves a lot to be desired. I have been spending more time than is probably healthy considering creativity and how it works. Does it come from a muse? The bottom of a bottle? Life experiences? Probably all of those contribute, but in my case, a great chunk of it comes from music. I have different types of music I listen to when writing different types of things — I tend to like rock music for action scenes, for example*. * This means there’s a lot of rock music in my writing life. The Music of Night’s Champion When writing the books of the Night’s Champion I tried to listen to music with a certain theme. Read More …

The Editing Process

This is an archive copy of one of my world-famous email campaigns, sent 27 April 2017. Click to view the PDF, because the copy-paste below leaves a lot to be desired. It involves a lot more alcohol than you might think You may or may not be aware, but I’m in the middle of the editing cycle for Night’s End. I find editing a bit of an interesting thing, and by interesting I actually mean soul destroying. There’s a lot of did-I-completely-screw-it-up going on. People often ask me what writing is like, so — here we are. I figured I’d share the editing process, or pain, or whatever it is — with you. Blah blah many words, scroll to the end for a chance to win an astonishing number of actual books, printed on genuine Earth paper. The system I Read More …

Healthy, Wealthy, and Wise

This is an archive copy of one of my world-famous email campaigns, sent 27 April 2017. Click to view the PDF, because the copy-paste below leaves a lot to be desired. Well, One Out of Three Ain’t Bad. Blah blah too much text: scroll to the end for links to free books. Many people think a day-in-the-life of a writer looks like this: 1000 wake up 1030 get out of bed 1045 pre-breakfast gin and tonic 1100 cooked breakfast 1130 angst and agony 1330 write 500 words, worry they’re not good enough 1430 still worrying 1500 pre-dinner beer 1515 second beer 1545 third beer 1600 lose track of time … 2000 bedtime My actual day doesn’t look much like this, except for the angst and agony part (all the voices in my head talk about me a lot behind my Read More …

How About a Cover Reveal?

This is an archive copy of one of my world-famous email campaigns, sent 3 April 2017. Click to view the PDF, because the copy-paste below leaves a lot to be desired. Yeah, I’ve been a bit quiet recently – finishing the first draft of Night’s End*. Now it’s done, I’m up to my elbows in edits. Today, well. Today saw me add in 2,000 more words, and leave 5,000 other words on the cutting room floor. It would suck to be one of my manuscripts. I thought you might like to check out the first chapter of Night’s End, along with the cover. Aside from people who make covers, you’re the first to see this. Let me know what you think! I really hope you don’t run away crying. * Night’s End is the third book in the Night’s Champion trilogy. Read More …

How I get shit done

This is an archive copy of one of my world-famous email campaigns, sent 23 February 2017. Click to view the PDF, because the copy-paste below leaves a lot to be desired. The toolchest Working from a home office is one of those things that will teach you – in a very Nietzsche way – whether you’re able to work effectively or will just spend the day on your PlayStation. One of the most common questions I get* is variations on the theme of, “So, what do you use to write?” I think there’s a base belief that a set of tools is magical, like a shaman’s staff, and there’s some truth to that. Why? A lot of the tools we have cost time, rather than save time. They might be cool or have nice drop shadows, but they are time vampires. Read More …