15-Day Story Challenge Week Two… 🐉

This is one of my world-famous emails, originally sent Saturday 15 December. If you want on this crazy ride, sign up here. Progress is … progressing. We’re crushing the 15-Day challenge. By “crushing,” it means in some instances we’re being crushed by it. This week: A new release! Story samples from the Challenge; Our updated: a video of week two; Speaking of videos, an author interview with O.E. Tearmann; and What I’ve found time to read this close to Christmas. Let’s get ready to rumble. It’s out! Chromed: Rogue hit the shelves. I’m kind of nervous; this is actually the dark middle chapter of a bleak trilogy. The more I watch the news, the less like fiction it seems. If you pick it up, I’d love to hear what you think of it 🧐 I’m nervously awaiting early reviews. Everyone Read More …

We begin the 15-day story challenge on Monday 📅

This is one of my world-famous emails, originally sent Friday, November 30. You can get on the list here. Happy [insert day of the week] to you. You might remember me talking about the 15-day story challenge. Turns out, that’s next week. WHAT HAVE I DONE?! I feel sick, but excited! This week: A few details on the story I’m minting; The plans and schedules; Me vs. Aeon 14; and Free beer. Rattle and roll. The Story Tyche’s Progeny, in particular Tyche’s Ghosts and Tyche’s Angels, features Algernon as a part of the cast. He’s a sentient machine, a survivor of the human-AI wars that resulted in the Mercury Accords. People really liked Algernon. I got a lot of email about him because he’s funny, but also because he spends about 70% of his on-screen moments mocking October Kohl. A Read More …

I hope you haven’t slipped into a diabetic coma (🦃)

This is one of my world-famous emails, originally sent Friday, 23 November 2018. Get on the list here. Those of you in the US are probably full. We don’t really do Thanksgiving in New Zealand – but the photos on my social media of food, more food, and all the food kinda make me wish we did. This week: The 15-day story challenge; Tragedy; and A peak into my old, terrible covers. Let’s get to it. The 15-day story challenge Some of you who’ve been here a while will remember Delilah. I wrote this story and sampled it out to you over the course of a few months, eventually giving out the free book download link. It was fun to do, and most of you seemed to like the tale. I’m doing something similar again. Similar, but totally different. I’m Read More …

The tale of a launch week 🚀

This is one of my world-famous emails, originally send Friday, 16 November 2018. You can get on the list here. But first… …we need to acknowledge the passing of a titan. Today: The late, great Stan Lee. A tiny bit of author biz, and Chromed: Upgrade’s launch week. Let’s dig in. Marvel has the best characters. I reckon that’s all down to Stan Lee. I’ve read comics for while, but not forever. I noped out in my early years – I didn’t really understand things like Commando or Archie, and when I found ‘superhero’ comics, they were full of muscle-bound weirdos and not-empowered women. I didn’t get the magic. Then a friend told me about Ronin. This changed my whole world. How he explained it: ‘comics’ were for kids and ‘graphic novels’ were the real deal. Fast forward a number Read More …

The Land of Confusion 😕

This is one of my world-famous emails, originally sent Friday November 9, 2018. You can get on the list if you want this directly wired to your brain (…or nearest connected device). Greetings, programs. It’s Author Launch Week™ here in the Richard Parry empire. This is like other weeks, but with a higher alcohol consumption level. Today: Soundtracks; Pinterest for inspiration; What I’ve been reading; and The world of confusion I’ve been wrangling. “Herding cats” doesn’t begin explain it. Let’s dig in. Soundtracks! Back in the day, I made soundtracks for all my books. This serves the fantastic purpose of feeding my ego, while giving readers a vibe for the story. Searching Spotify for “cyberpunk” will give you all kinds of synthwave bullshit. Many of those playlists sound like amateur hour with a bunch of people dry-humping an electronic keyboard. Read More …

A Pleasant All Hallow’s Eve To You 🎃

This is one of my world famous emails, originally sent Thursday 1 November. I appreciate the title of this blog post is probably out of whack as Halloween’s long sailed, but it’s my party and I’ll cry if I want to. Also, the excerpt’s been removed from this because of KU requirements! If you want to get all the juice, all the time, get on the list. It’s possible I caught you at a bad time. I appreciate because timezones™ it might not be Halloween for you, but hey, it’s the thought that counts. Today, we’ve got just two things to discuss. Because it’s Halloween, a short video that gave me the creeps, By popular demand (!), a talk on release pricing, and I’d like you to check out my latest, Chromed Upgrade. TL;DR: If this all seems to hard, Read More …

The Magic of Release Strategies

This is one of my world-famous emails, originally sent Friday, October 26 2018. You can get on the list here. There’s been a pretty big response on the topic of release strategies, so I’m thinking of following this up with another mail on pricing and margins. In order to preserve the 10% preview rule for Amazon KU, I’ve stripped the excerpt for Chromed: Upgrade from this post. Telling fairy tales is serious business. Sometimes y’all like when I pull back the curtain and talk about “writer business stuffs.” I’ll try for a bit of that magic today. On today’s menu: Another outstanding NZ Police video; On pricing and the demise of books, and A download of the first third of my latest release, Chromed: Upgrade, on the house. Are you ready to rumble? Want to join the NZ Police? My Read More …

Do Not Adjust Your set

The latest in my world-famous email campaign series, originally sent Friday 12 October 2018. If you’re not on the list, maybe you should check it out? Do not adjust your set. Back in the days of yore, you signed up for my list. You’re awesome. You’ve probably not heard from me in a while because my mail provider had a localized apocalypse. We’re starting again here, you and I. I understand if this instills an urge to [unsubscribe]. If that’s your frame of mind, you do you. If not, let’s chat about what’s going on. Today, we have: Some wallpapers for your phone or desktop; A Discord community for readers; An ancient story I dredged from the archives so we can both laugh/cry together; What I’m reading; and A cover reveal. Rock on. Eye Candy Some new wallpapers are up Read More …

More Space Opera

This is an archive copy of one of my world-famous email campaigns, sent 28 June 2017. Click to view the PDF, because the copy-paste below leaves a lot to be desired. My God, It’s Full of Stars I’m busy working on the results of my reader survey, but the One Thing section responses gave me some really interesting stuff. It’s prompted me to look at some mor interaction with y’all. This week, we’ve got: Questions, and how to ask ’em. More space opera! A reminder on the Urban Fantasy promo that ends in two days. Onward, friend. How to ask me a question I’ve created this thing: Put Me To The Question It’s a simple web form that will allow you to ask me a question. Anonymously, if you so desire; while a bunch of you write to me, a bunch Read More …