Progress is … progressing.We’re crushing the 15-Day challenge. By “crushing,” it means in some instances we’re being crushed by it. This week: - A new release!
- Story samples from the Challenge;
- Our updated: a video of week two;
- Speaking of videos, an author interview with O.E. Tearmann; and
- What I’ve found time to read this close to Christmas.
Let’s get ready to rumble.
It’s out! Chromed: Rogue hit the shelves. I’m kind of nervous; this is actually the dark middle chapter of a bleak trilogy. The more I watch the news, the less like fiction it seems.
If you pick it up, I’d love to hear what you think of it 🧐 I’m nervously awaiting early reviews. Everyone loves their baby, even if it’s ugly, amirite? (My review team has the third and final in the trilogy, out January. The initial feedback has been flattering and humbling in equal measure; I can’t wait for you to get hold of it!)
Samples, I hear you say…All four of us showcased our work this week. Kim, John, and Nova all agreed to let me put a sample on my site alongside mine; you can check ’em out here: Remember, you can get the finished versions of these stories for zero Earth dollars if you’re a member of their mailing lists. Head to Kim, John, and Nova’s sites to sign up for the finished story.
Week Two UpdateSpoilers: one of us finished their damn story already. Check out our second week recap here: 
I’m just over 42,000 words into my story, and nearing the home stretch. I should have it finished Monday (maybe Tuesday, if something unexpected happens?), and am well on target to complete before the Challenge deadline.
O.E. Tearmann InterviewI interviewed the rebelious-haired half of the O.E.Tearman duo, Olivia Wylie. O.E. Tearmann is a cyberpunk storyteller, and I wanted to catch up with one of ’em to discuss their latest book, The Hands We’re Given. Want to hear about how to use creativity to combat our collective despair, avoiding burnout, or how to co-author? Check it out. Note: Olivia’s in a place where the Internet’s worse than New Zealand; the audio’s a little tremulous. 
What I’m ReadingI finished a book this week, and started a new one. - Thin Air, by Richard K. Morgan, is in the bag. This took me a little longer to get into than Morgan’s usually do. The writing style tripped me up more than I’d care to admit, nudging this from a five- to a four-star. The gritty world, excellent characters, and outstanding action carry it off, though; the end is absolutely worth the price of entry. It’s not quite cyberpunk, but 100% thriller. It feels a lot like Thirteen/Black Man if you’ve read that, but with some of the tech vibe of his Kovacs novels.
- Dungeons and Dragons Art and Arcana is next on deck. This Buick-sized tome is easily the best coffee-table book I’ve seen in my life. It’s a fantastic stroll through memory lane (later sections get to modern D&D editions, although I’m not there yet). It’s like someone decided to make an art collection for me.
That’s it from the writing empire! I hope you’ve got a relaxing break planned; you deserve it. R |