Where we talk about Boundless ⚔️
Here’s one of my world-famous emails, originally send Friday, 12 April 2019. You can get on the list here. Building New Worlds. I’ve talked a bit about Boundless, and now it’s time to talk more about it. This week, we’ve got: The writing process – Part One! An excerpt. Let’s swing that blade. The Writing Process Part One: Outlining vs. Discovery Writing There’s a holy war in the writing community, excluding a bunch of people like me who DNGAF. It’s the outliners (sometimes called the death-by-boredom style) vs. discovery writers (unflatteringly referred to as pantsers). Outline writing is what people like James Patterson prefer; you structure your story down to the last minutae, then write it out. Discovery writing is where you start with almost nothing but a bright idea, and start hitting keys until magic falls out the other Read More …