Meet October Kohl

The crew of the Tyche (?) is more than the Nate & Grace duo. It takes all types to crew a starship. Often as not, the crew are better at lifting heavy things rather than their skill with words. Meet October Kohl – deckhand of the Tyche. Yeah yeah, first draft, but let me know what you think. October Kohl was drunk. He knew it. That asshole who was eying him up knew it. The bartender knew it. The … proprietor of the brothel he’d just been thrown out of knew it. The question was not whether he was drunk, but whether it would hold him up any. He put a hand out in front of him, looking at the way it held in space. It wasn’t waving all over the place, but it wasn’t steady as a rock either. That meant Read More …

The Job Interview

More Tyche’s Flight (?) today — this one’s a little farther on from last week’s sample. Standard disclaimers of doom apply: first draft, looks like a jar of pickled sphincters, but I’d still love to know what you think. He kept up his saunter. No need to spoil the effect as he approached the finish line. He ducked into the doorway next to her. “Hi.” “Let’s go,” she said. “Let’s not,” he said. He leaned into the alcove, a crook that felt like it was tailor-made for just this kind of conversation. “We haven’t discussed terms. We haven’t discussed where we’re going. The most important thing we haven’t discussed,” and here he paused as a particularly loud fusillade of plasma fire from down the street cut him off, “how on Earth, her mighty heavens, the stars we travel across, and the senate Read More …

The First Time She Lied

I thought I’d share with you all a little sample of Tyche’s Flight ? This is first draft stuff, real rough? Let me know what you think ? He would always remember the first time she lied to him. Nate was sitting in a spacer bar — not that it had signs up saying Spacer Bar or Drunk Crew Welcome. It was the way it smelled more than anything, old engine oil overlaid with that unmistakable tang of ozone that came from working heavy machines or plasma cannons. Beer, vat-grown because out here that was the best way to get good results; you never knew what strain of modified soy was being used on-planet for your drink. The smell of sweat, and sometimes, of anger. That last was typical. Drunk Crew Welcome wasn’t always a good thing. “Captain Chevell,” said the man across from Read More …